V N Desai1, Ozadheoghene E Afieroho2 , B O Dagunduro1, T J Okonkwo3, C C Ndu1
1Research and Development Laboratories, May & Baker Nigeria PLC, Ikeja, Lagos; 2Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Quality Control, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Idu, Abuja; 3Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.For correspondence:- Ozadheoghene Afieroho Email: eriarieafieroho@yahoo.com Tel:+2348063432417
Received: 1 April 2010 Accepted: 3 January 2011 Published: 14 February 2011
Citation: Desai VN, Afieroho OE, Dagunduro BO, Okonkwo TJ, Ndu CC. A Simple UV Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Levofloxacin in Dosage Formulations. Trop J Pharm Res 2011; 10(1):75-79 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v10i1.12
© 2011 The authors.
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