T A Abere , H A Okeri, L O Okafor
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, PMB 1154, Benin City, Nigeria;For correspondence:- T Abere Email: abere@uniben.edu Tel:+2348023395616
Published: 21 June 2005
Citation: Abere TA, Okeri HA, Okafor LO. Comparative evaluation of selected starches as adsorbent for Thin-layer Chromatography. Trop J Pharm Res 2005; 4(1):331-339 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v4i1.2
© 2005 The authors.
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Method: Comparative tests were carried out on cassava, guinea corn and irish potato starches to evaluate and determine suitability as adsorbents for thin-layer chromatography. The starches were used in their natural forms and various modified forms:-formamide, paraffin-impregnated forms and derivatized forms so as to exhibit different properties using different solvent systems to separate different classes of compounds namely alkaloids, amine acids, lipids and steroids with silica gel as standard.
Results: The results obtained have proved starch to be a suitable adsorbent both in its naturally occurring and modified forms. Good separations of amino acids and steroids were obtained on natural layers when compared with silica gel, while alkaloids on formamideimpregnated layers and lipids on paraffin-impregnated layers also gave encouraging results. The acetylated starch by suitable modification should produce good results.
Conclusion: The suitability of natural starches and its modifications as adsorbents for TLC has thus been established and seems very promising for future use.
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