Michael U Adikwu
Pharmaceutics at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka;;Published: 12 December 2006
Citation: Adikwu MU. MUCINS AND THEIR POTENTIALS. Trop J Pharm Res 2006; 5(2):581-582 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v5i2.1
© 2006 The authors.
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However, owing to the technical problems associated with deglycosylation of mucins, the biochemical characterization of the protein backbone of the large discrete mucins has been fraught with difficulties.
Mucins play a key role in the host intestine. From acting as a protective, physical barrier, they are responsible for producing certain protective enzymes that are responsible for the host intestinal defensive mechanism. The defensins and magainins that protect the host in the intestine are largely responsible for the prevention of many microbial diseases. The integrity of the intestinal mucin may also help as a physical barrier to the entrance of bacteria to the underling tissue. Thus organisms that produce enzymes capable of hydrolyzing mucins can easily establish infections. Thus, the microorganisms that produce sialidases are capable of hydrolyzing cervical mucin and such organisms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of sexually transmitted infections in the female genital tract. Hence, the detection of these enzymes may be indicative of the presence of invading organisms and may be used as a diagnostic tool.
Mucins may play a key role in the pharmaceutical industry as a drug delivery agent if properly harnessed. Mucins are ubiquitous in many human tissues. Thus we can talk of intestinal, ocular, ovarian and salivary mucins, etc. They are also negatively charged. This makes mucin a good candidate for drug delivery as they can be conjugated to positively charged drug molecules and targeted to the respective tissues. Its biomaterial properties can readily be modified by the use of other cationic polymers such as chitosan. Apart from the modification of the biomaterials properties, cationic polymers help to stabilize mucin as it can readily degrade to its motifs. Their viscosity and solubility properties can readily be modified using micromolar concentrations of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) which chelates the calcium content of muicn. It is highly biocompatible, nontoxic and easily biodegradable. Mucins are often used for modelling of mucoadhesive and bioadhesive systems. Thus the interpenetration of various polymers at the mucin-polymer interface at a temperature higher than the glass transition temperature is often used to explain the mechanism of mucoadhesion. The molecular bridges which result between mucin-polymer interpenetration accounts for the adhesive strength. Apart from these bridges, the electronic properties of mucin help in mucoadhesion. Mucin, therefore, has high potential as a pharmaceutical excipient if adequately harnessed.
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