Hayriye Yılmaz1 ,
Mehmet Boz2,
Burçin Türkmenoğlu2,
Yahya Güzel2
1Faculty of Pharmacy;
2Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Erciyes University,
Kayseri, 38039, Turkey.
For correspondence:- Hayriye Yılmaz
Email: hayriyey@erciyes.edu.tr Tel:+903524379169
Received: 4 December 2012
Accepted: 19 October 2013
Published: 25 January 2014
Yılmaz H, Boz M, Türkmenoğlu B, Güzel Y.
Pharmacophore and Functional Group Identification of 4,4R42;-dihydroxydiphenylmethane as Bisphenol-A (BSA) Derivative. Trop J Pharm Res 2014; 13(1):116-126
© 2014 The authors.
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Purpose: To predict activity and reveal the pharmacophore (Pha) with certain electronic and topological characteristics for a series of 37 molecules of 4,4′-dihydroxydiphenylmethane, using 4D QSAR (four dimensional Quantitative-Structure Activity Relationships) model.
Methods: We used a computational method called molecular conformer electron topological (MCET) for this study. The quality of Pha and the corresponding quantitative model of activity was validated (and deemed acceptable) by an independent test set of 7 additional analogs with known experimental activities out of 30 molecules of the training set.
Results: The resulting MCET method demonstrated a high statistical capacity for predicting the activity of the molecules under consideration (R2= 0.703 and Q2 = 0.573).
Conclusion: The model is based on pure computational methods (electronic structure calculations and matrix comparisons) and provides the correct solution within the assumptions of the method, experimental uncertainty, and computational approximations. A different procedure from other QSAR approaches was used to elucidate the interactions between the conformers of the ligand and the target protein.
Keywords: Drug design, estrogenic activity, electron topologic method, 4D-Quantitative-Structure Activity Relationships, 4,4R42; dihydroxydiphenylmethane