Qin Le1,2, Jie Lin1,2, Xiaoxiao Xie3, Xiangbo Yu2, Yang Cai4, Yangping Shentu5, Aihua Zhang6 , Aiwu Li7
1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, 250012; 2Department of Pediatric Surgery; 3Department of Medical Imaging, The Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children’s Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325027; 4Department of Urology, Qingtian People's Hospital, Qingtian 323000; 5Wenzhou Medical University, Medical Function Center, Wenzhou 325000; 6Animal Experiment Center of Scientific Research; 7Department of Pediatric Surgery, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China.For correspondence:- Aiwu Li Email: liaiwuxwymed@163.com
Accepted: 27 June 2018 Published: 28 July 2018
Citation: Le Q, Lin J, Xie X, Yu X, Cai Y, Shentu Y, et al. Role of OCT4 in cisplatin treatment of testicular embryonal carcinoma. Trop J Pharm Res 2018; 17(7):1353-1360 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v17i7.18
© 2018 The authors.
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