Sushruta Koppula , Dong Kug Choi
College of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Department of Biotechnology, Konkuk University, Chungju, Republic of Korea;For correspondence:- Sushruta Koppula Email: Tel:+82438403609
Received: 31 August 2010 Accepted: 9 November 2010 Published: 14 February 2011
Citation: Koppula S, Choi DK. Anethum Graveolens Linn (Umbelliferae) Extract Attenuates Stress-induced Urinary Biochemical Changes and Improves Cognition in Scopolamine-induced Amnesic Rats. Trop J Pharm Res 2011; 10(1):47-54 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v10i1.8
© 2011 The authors.
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