Sara M Moustafa1, Fouad R Sakr1, Marwan G Akel1-3, Jihan H Safwan1, Michelle M Cherfan1, Mohamad K Rahal1 Mariam K Dabbous1,2
1School of Pharmacy, Lebanese International University, Beirut, Lebanon; 2University of Toulouse, UPS, Inserm, Toulouse; 3National Institute of Public Health Clinical Epidemiology and Toxicology (INSPECT_LB), France.For correspondence:- Mariam Dabbous Email: Tel:+96176877750
Accepted: 24 January 2020 Published: 30 April 2020
Citation: Moustafa SM, Sakr FR, Akel MG, Safwan JH, Cherfan MM, Rahal MK, et al. Knowledge, attitude and practice of Lebanese community pharmacists with regard to self-management of low back pain. Trop J Pharm Res 2020; 19(4):873-878 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v19i4.28
© 2020 The authors.
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