Jirayut Kaewmor,
Sirinapa Rungruang,
Kutcharin Phunikhom,
Jintana Sattayasai,
Charshawn Lahnwong
For correspondence:- Charshawn Lahnwong Email: sarala@kku.ac.th
Received: 12 July 2024 Accepted: 15 February 2025 Published: 27 February 2025
Citation: Kaewmor J, Rungruang S, Phunikhom K, Sattayasai J, Lahnwong C. Therapeutic potential of Thai Mucuna pruriens (T-MP) seed aqueous extract on acute ethanol-induced behavioral and motor dysfunction. Trop J Pharm Res 2025; 24(2):195-202 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v24i2.7
© 2025 The authors.
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Purpose: To assess the therapeutic potentials of Thai Mucuna pruriens (T-MP) seed aqueous extract in mitigating acute ethanol-induced behavioral and motor dysfunction in mice. Methods: The mice were orally administered either water or T-MP seed extract (600 mg/kg). One hour after this initial treatment, the mice were given either distilled water or 6 g/kg of 30 % (w/v) ethanol. Thirty minutes following the second treatment, the mice were subjected to behavioral and motor function tests, comprising of the exploratory test, rotarod test, footprint analysis, elevated plus maze (EPM), and tail suspension test (TST), respectively. Results: Ethanol treatment significantly increased anxiety-like behaviors, as evidenced by the exploratory and EPM tests, and depressive behavior, as indicated by prolonged immobility time in the TST (p < 0.05). It also reduced the time spent on the rod in the rotarod test and heightened gait abnormalities observed in gait analysis, indicating impaired motor functions. Treatment with T-MP significantly alleviated these ethanol-induced behavioral and motor dysfunctions (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Thai Mucuna pruriens seed extract effectively mitigates neurological and behavioral dysfunctions induced by acute ethanol intoxication in mice, highlighting its potential as a neuroprotective agent. Further studies are required to elucidate T-MP's mechanisms in combating symptoms of acute ethanol intoxication, which is crucial for advancing medical and neuropharmacological treatments.
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