Florence E Eichie , Roland S Okor
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria;For correspondence:- Florence Eichie Email: eichie@uniben.edu
Published: 20 June 2003
Citation: Eichie FE, Okor RS. Modelling of drug release from ensembles of aspirin microcapsules of certain particle size distribution. Trop J Pharm Res 2003; 2(1):137-145 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v2i1.3
© 2003 The authors.
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Method: The release parameters, mt = the amount of drug released in time t, m¥ = the maximum release and t ¥ = the time to attain it were determined for each single particle by simulation using previously derived mathematical models. To obtain the cumulative release curve for the ensemble the individual releases were summed up at each time scale and for the various time intervals. Values of m¥ and t ¥ for the ensemble were obtained from the simulated cumulative curves. The release profiles of the ensembles were also determined experimentally and their m¥ and t ¥ values deduced from the release curves.
Results: The observed cumulative curves of the ensembles compared favourably with the simulated data. The % difference in the observed and the simulated m¥ and t ¥ values of the ensembles was within ± 20%, which indicated that the modelling was valid.
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