Oladapo A Adetunji, Michael A Odeniyi, Oludele A Itiola
Department of Pharmaceutics & Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.;For correspondence:- Oludele Itiola Email: oprofit@yahoo.com
Published: 12 December 2006
Citation: Adetunji OA, Odeniyi MA, Itiola OA. Compression, Mechanical and Release Properties of Chloroquine Phosphate Tablets containing corn and Trifoliate Yam Starches as Binders. Trop J Pharm Res 2006; 5(2):589-596 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v5i2.3
© 2006 The authors.
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Method: Compressional properties were analyzed using density measurements and compression equations of Heckel and Kawakita. The mechanical properties of the tablets were assessed using the crushing strength and friability of the tablets, while drug release properties of the tablets were assessed using disintegration and dissolution times.
Results: Tablet formulations containing trifoliate yam starch exhibited faster onset and higher amount of plastic deformation during compression than those containing corn starch. The crushing strength, disintegration and dissolution times of the tablets increased with binder concentration while friability values decreased. Trifoliate yam starch produced tablets with stronger mechanical properties and longer disintegration and dissolution times than those containing corn starch.
Conclusion: Trifoliate yam starch would be a better alternative to corn starch in producing uncoated tablets for which high bond strength is essential.
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