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Research Article


Synthesis and anthelmintic activity of some hybrid

Benzimidazolyl-chalcone derivatives

Mahama Ouattara1*, Drissa Sissouma2, Mamidou W Koné3,4, Hervé E Menan5, Seikou A Touré2 and Lassina Ouattara1

1Laboratoire de Chimie Thérapeutique et Synthèse de Médicaments, UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, Université de Cocody. 01 BP V 34 Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 2Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Structurale, UFR SSMT, Université de Cocody. 22 BP 582 Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 3Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d'Ivoire. 01 BP 1303 Abidjan, 4UFR Sciences de la Nature, Université d’Abobo-Adjamé. 02 BP 801 Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 5Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Mycologie, UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, Université de Cocody. 01 BP V 34 Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

For correspondence: E-mail:  Tel: +225 08741023

Received:  9 May 2011                                                     Revised accepted: 2 November, 2011

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, December 2011; 10(6): 767-775  



Purpose: To synthesize hybrid benzimidazolyl-chalcone derivatives, evaluate their anthelmintic activity, and establish some structural elements which could lead to induction and enhancement of this activity.

Methods: A series of 1-(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-3-aryl-2-propen-1-one compounds (6a-z) was synthesized by condensation reaction of 2-acetylbenzimidazole with aryl and heteroaryl aldehyde derivatives. The physicochemical characterization of these benzimidazolyl-chalcones was carried out by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H and 13C NMR) and mass spectroscopy (MS). All compounds were screened in vitro for their nematicidal activity against Haemonchus contortus in larval development assay. The anthelmintic activities obtained were compared with those of anthelmintic reference drugs (fenbendazole and ivermectin); 1,3-diphenyl-2-propen-1-one also used as reference for chalcone.

Results: Compounds 6a, 6g, 6w and 6y showed good nematicidal activity (LC100) at 0.002 and 0.0092 µg/ml. The activity of these four benzimidazolyl-chalcones is nearly equal to that of fenbendazole. It is also interesting to know that these compounds have anti-haemonchus activity which is equal or more efficient than ivermectin. Four other compounds (6d, 6h, 6o and 6t) possess interesting anthelmintic activities at 0.68 and 0.16 µg/ml.

Conclusion: Preliminary structure-activity relationship studies revealed that arylpropenone group in position 2 of the benzimidazole ring can be considered as new pharmacophore for nematicidal activity.


Keywords: Benzimidazole, Chalcone, Anthelmintic activity, Haemonchus contortus.

Copyright@2002-2010. Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City. All rights reserved.

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