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Research Article

Development and Targeting Efficiency of Irinotecan Engineered Proniosomes

Prakash S Goudanavar1, 2* and Vijay G Joshi3 
1Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India,  2Department of Pharmaceutics N.E.T Pharmacy College, Raichur, Karnataka, India, 3Department of Pharmaceutics Government College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 

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Received: 6 March 2011                                                          Revised accepted: 12 December 2011

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, February 2012; 11(1): 1-8  



Purpose: This study is aimed at achieving improvement in the efficacy, reduced toxicity and enhancement of therapeutic index of irinotecan. 

Methods: Proniosomes of irinotecan hydrochloride trihydrate were prepared by slurry method using different surfactants, cholesterol and dicetyl phosphate. The formulations were then characterized with respect to shape, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency, in vitro drug release, in vivo drug targeting and stability.

Results: The proniosomes were smooth in texture indicating, thin and uniform coating over maltodextrin powder. The highest entrapment efficiency was found for formulation F2 (74.9 ± 2.7 %). The highest cumulative drug release in 24 h was achieved with formulation F3 (98.2 %) In vivo results for the proniosomes reveal that the drug was preferentially targeted to liver followed by lung and spleen.  Stability studies indicate that 4 șC was the most suitable condition for the storage of formulation F2.

Conclusion: Proniosomes offer a suitable alternative colloidal carrier approach to achieving drug targeting. Proniosomes containing irinotecan are retained at targeted sites and are capable of releasing drug for an extended period of time.


Keywords: Irinotecan, proniosomes, Drug targeting, In vivo tissue distribution, Stability studies.  

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