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Original Research Article

Physicochemical Properties of Diosmetin and Lecithin Complex

Korbanjhon Brad1* and Chungang Chen2
1College of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Yili Normal University, Yining 835000, Xinjiang, 2School of Food Science, Henan Institute of Science and Technology,Xinxiang 453003, China

*For correspondence: Email:

Received: 21 April 2012         Revised accepted: 7 July 2013

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, August 2013; 12(4): 453-456   



Purpose: To improve the hydrophobicity of diosmetin, the complex of diosmetin and lecithin was prepared and its physicochemical properties were characterized in this study.

Methods: The complex of diosmetin and lecithin was prepared by solvent method. The physicochemical properties of the complex were investigated by ultraviolet-visible spectrometry (UV/Vis), infrared spectrometry (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and x-ray diffractometry (XRD).

Results: Based on UV and IR analysis, there was no significant difference between the physical mixture and the complex while SEM showed that diosmetin in the complex did not present a crystal appearance but rather was dispersed in lecithin. DSC thermograms of the complex mainly showed that the presence of lecithin caused the characteristic endothermal peaks of diosmetin to disappear while x-diffractograms showed that the crystalline peaks of diosmetin was absent in the complex.

Conclusion: The complex is held together by non-covalent-bond, and thus a new compound was not formed. Diosmetin in the complex is molecularly dispersed in the lecithin matrix.


Keywords: Diosmetin, Lecithin, Complex, Physicochemical, Non-covalent bond

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