Effect of Tropical
Climatic Conditions on the Stability of Cefaclor
Dry Powder for Suspensions
BK Nanjwade1*,
M Shamrez Ali1, FV Manvi1, MM
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, K.L.E. University,
Nehru Nagar, Belgaum Karnataka, India, 2Department
of Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Pulau.Pinang,
*Corresponding author:
Tel: +91-8312471399; Fax: +91-8312472387
Received: 2 July
Revised accepted: 7 October 2009
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, February 2010;
Two critical factors that govern the stability of
pharmaceutical formulations in the tropics are humidity
and temperature. This study was carried out to
investigate the effect of moisture sorption at two
different storage conditions on Cefaclor dry powder for
oral suspension and predict the effect of moisture
interaction on the reconstituted formulations
Cefaclor dry powder for suspension formulation was taken
as a model formulation for this study. Different
formulations were manufactured and placed in twelve
amber coloured glass bottles for each test condition.
One set of bottles was sealed by heat induction
technique under vacuum to ensure the integrity of the
seal while the other set was without a seal but had a
child-resistant cap. Both types of bottles were stored
in humidity chambers at 30°C/65%RH or 40°C/75%RH. Weight
changes were monitored on a dynamic moisture balance
over a period of 3 months.
The results were recorded in terms of moisture content,
colour, and excipient interaction and their effect on
product appearance. The data were analyzed using
Students t-test and one way analysis of variance
(ANOVA), and differences were considered statistically
significant at P < 0.05.
The study revealed that the product with enhanced
packaging and also contained non-water soluble
colourants were more protected against the deleterious
effects of moisture and temperature. The findings
provide an insight into a possible approach for
formulating moisture-sensitive pharmaceutical products,
especially dry powder preparations for use in the
Dry powder for suspension; Moisture content; Colour;
Stability; Moisture migration; Interaction.